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Let's Be Well Together, CFO!

Be Well is honored to care for the brain health and wellness needs of CFO. Utilize the links below to access past recordings of Be Well Experiences, downloadable tools and wellness resources.


Growing Together: Adjustment

Part 4 of the four-part "Growing Together" series. Expressing expectations and adjusting to create hope.


Growing Together: Alignment

Part 3 of the four-part "Growing Together" series. Creating alignment by rooting into a one-word intention for the year ahead.


Growing Together: Radical Acceptance

Part 2 of the four-part "Growing Together" series. Putting radical acceptance into action by accepting and embracing the now in a non-judgmental way.


Growing Together: Acknowledgement

Part 1 of the four-part "Growing Together" series. Naming and acknowledging the current transitions we are navigating while building tips, tools and strategies to help embed wellness throughout.

Thank You for Joining the Be Well Community Movement!

Visible across our communities, Be Well Bells ring in a new narrative. Community wellness requires the commitment and participation of every single one of us. CFO's Be Well Bell serves as a symbol of hope and healing for our communities. Your Be Well Bell:

  • Elevates brain health
  • Serves as a visual reminder of ending stigma associated with brain health, inspiring lives worth living, and reducing suicide
  • Opens conversations to additional supports and resources
  • Includes a plaque with attached QR code that allows individuals to connect with brain health resources in the moment
  • Is a decorative, custom sculpture designed by local artist, Meg Wagler
  • Inspires HOPE for a better tomorrow

Use this tool as a supplement to the Be Well Experience

Self-Care Tool

Pause to assess how your brain health is in this current moment and identify action steps to care for yourself.

Walk through the steps to prepare for brain health crises

Crisis Plan

We have learned to develop a plan for emergencies related to physical crises and natural disasters. Our mental health deserves this same preparation. A Be Well Plan outlines what we do when we are in a brain health crisis.

Experience the healing power of music!

Spotify Playlist

The Be Well Community Spotify playlist includes hours of music that meets you where you are. The songs have all been featured as the "song of the day" in our community.

Give the gift of wellness!

Wellness Store

Visit the link below to purchase items selected and created to contribute to whole health wellness!


Come Be Well with us! To access our FREE monthly engagements and download our Self-Care Challenges, click below!

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance-use crisis, please call our toll-free 24-hour telephone line. Our team can help provide immediate assistance.

Southwest Missouri: 1-800-494-7355

Central Missouri: 1-800-395-2132

National Help Line: Call or Text 988